About Us

Gold Rush Founders Sid & Holly DyeR
The GoldRush Story
This story begins with a problem, as all good stories do. Holly couldn’t find any outstanding ciders at the store. There just weren’t many apple-y, effervescent beverages available in these parts. Sid, an avid home-brewer of beer, decided to try his hand at hard cider and was successful. The rest is history.

Sid starts homebrewing, with his first batch of homebrew cider soon to follow. Holly loved it and so did all their friends.

Sid enters a homebrew competition for the first time. His cider wins first place.

Friends keep coming and keep exclaiming their love for Sid's cider. A good friend encourages them to make a business of it as he believed it was unique and that others needed to try it.

Sid and Holly decide to take a leap of faith and start the process of opening a "Cidery" while making plans to build what was needed to brew on a larger scale.

The fans were growing and so the process needed to as well. A tasting and manufacturing warehouse was leased and construction began.

The tasting room opens to make space for folks to come from far and near to celebrate the grand opening of the "Cider Mill".

The "Crowler" was added to the tasting room offerings. Outdoor recreation and portability, here we come.

A long time dream of bring cider slushies to the Rogue Valley becomes a reality. Summer will never be the same again!

Sid & Holly and the growing GoldRush team continue to create new and exciting ciders, welcoming people of all walks of life to celebrate the good at GoldRush.

“Our goal is to create a positive place where people from all walks of life can come together and enjoy each other's company.”
Holly Dyer